Température à l’intérieur de la Grotte : 12°C – Pensez à vous munir d’une « petite laine » !

  • Horaires : 10:30 - 18:00

Temperature inside the cave: 12°C – Bring some warm clothes !

  • Hours: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Discovering the Grotte de la Salamandre

Grotte de la Salamandre opens up in the middle of wild garrigue, halfway between the Pont du Gard and Grotte Chauvet 2.
Nearby, the unusual beaches of the Gorges de la Cèze offer enchanting bathing spots.
The natural entrance, Aven de la Salamandre, had long been known to lumberjacks and hunters, but had never been brought to the attention of speleologists until 1965. That year, an engineer from the Eaux et Forêts department spotted a reference to a cavity in an old document…

L'expédition Salamandre

1965: first exploration

Aven de la Salamandre (the cave's natural entrance) was first explored in 1965 by a team of speleologists from Uzès and Nîmes.

After descending 50 metres on the ladder, they were surprised to discover a vast space the size of a soccer pitch, richly decorated with titanic concretions and incomparably aesthetic.

A first expedition was organized, during which 12 cavers spent eight days exploring the cave "under the eye of the ORTF cameras" and the lens of Jack Bercand. The press will cover the event for the duration of the exploration.

Début percement T1

2011: start of construction

It wasn't until 2009 that the Aven de la Salamandre development project was relaunched. This project, born on the evening of the discovery, was quickly abandoned due to its complexity.

After two years of complex studies and obtaining the necessary permits, work on the Salamander cave could finally begin. To make the cave accessible to all, two tunnels had to be dug, one perfectly horizontal to allow wheelchair access.

Construction accueil

2013: construction of the reception structure

Construction began less than 4 months before the planned opening date. Only a wooden construction could meet the deadline, and Gard architect Jean-François Daures, a renowned specialist in plant architecture, was chosen to design the project. His Cévennes wood buildings blend perfectly into the surrounding landscape.

His work has appeared in numerous publications and won awards in several international competitions.

L'inauguration de la Grotte de la Salamandre

2013: inauguration and public opening

In summer 2013, Grotte de la Salamandre finally became accessible to all. The locals, who were unaware of the presence of such a treasure on their territory, are in for a treat. The Grotto was inaugurated on June 28, 2013 by the Prefect of the Gard, Hugues Bousiges, in the presence of numerous VIPs.

Remise de la Médaille du Tourisme

2014: a fine reward

July 18, 2014, it was in the Grotte de la Salamandre that Gard Prefect Didier Martin awarded the Médaille d'Or du Tourisme to the bearer of the cave's development. It has been 11 years since this prestigious distinction was awarded to a Gard resident.

2016: two stars in the Michelin Guide!

After just 3 seasons open to the public, La Grotte de salamandre has been awarded 2 stars in the Michelin Green Guide. Exceptionally, they are given as "entrance" to the Grotto, whereas generally, you enter the guide without a star, then conquer them one by one. In awarding the Grotte de la Salamandre two stars, the Michelin Guide salutes the quality, originality and emotion measured by 3 Mystery Visitors who visited the site incognito.
The whole team is already hard at work in the hope of being the first cave in the Gard to be awarded a 3rd star!

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